How Subtle is Racism?

Screenshot 2018-12-02 at 1.51.03 PM
I was catching up with clips from SNL last night and among the tidbits I caught was this clip of New York humor.  It’s rather ironic that it was used in a bit delivered by a Black comedian leveraging humor off the most racist and corrupt President we’ve had since the 1800’s.

After viewing the SNL piece, I’m left to wonder if he really has a cousin named Tasha.

I’m also left to wonder if he realizes that the sorry state of masculinity and fatherhoodlessness in the Black community is a direct byproduct of the war on drugs and the destruction of what were once very stable Black neighborhoods in my early youth, and that by perpetuating an image of intentional familial recklessness on the part of both male and female Black couples he’s earning a racist paycheck whether he knows it or not.  That’s just how one White guy who happened to graduate from Jackson State University sees it anyway.

I’ve always said that if you’re going to present racist stereotype humor, it’s best delivered by a member of the minority being caricatured.  Kim Wade, Mississippi’s favorite Black Christian Nationalist, exists mainly for the purpose of having a local Black guy bash on other Black people.  It’s the way you get past the most blatant and obvious of the racism at the juicy center that even a semi-respectable right wing broadcaster couldn’t get away with back when I worked with him on-air.

These days the Christian Nationalists aren’t as beholden to the Black dog whistlers because they’ve abandoned dog whistling in lieu of Proud Boy marches and bullhorns.  I don’t think the comedian delivering these lines is in any way comparable to someone as hideously macabre as Kim Wade, but at the end of the day, I’ve got to call these things out when I see them based on my special sensitivity and expertise in the matter.

Contrary opinions will be scrutinized and mocked accordingly.

#hoboheretic  Enjoy.

TrumpTV Ratings Disaster

How long before the FBI or the CIA cancel the unabashedly unpopular and horrifyingly vulgar new TV reality series, “Orange is the New Moscow”?

It’d be nice to think that maybe Congress and the Senate could get together for about a five minute confab and clear this overly bronzed Bozo out of the Green Room once and for all but even the good weed out here in the high mountain meadows hasn’t yet managed to make me that optimistic.  (I’ll keep working on it though.  You can be dam sure of that.)

Congress can’t act because as we’ve all witnessed with our own two eyes, every high ranking Republican with the will and a woody must have taken a free trip to Russia for some of that sweet Saint Petersburg poontang.  Putin’s got them all trapped in some sort of piss parade.

The Russians could drop the X-rated hit “Raining Republicans” onto Netflix, charge five bucks a view, and rebuild the entire Russian Empire on the returns from that alone.

Imagine Vlad, shouting out “They will pay for all our walls!” to an enchanted Russian cocktail audience of oligarchs, as Papadopoulos, Manafort and Carter Page tip wine glasses to each other in the midst of that sordid soiree.

Meanwhile, Trump is dancing around Twitter as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

Benghazi we loved you!, but Witch Hunt and Fake News are trying to stuff Hillary’s hacked Russian emails into the nutsack of a 300 pound fat man living in his mom’s basement.

The fifteen Russian hackers already living there are seriously short on space because of all the file cabinets stuffed with Trump’s confidentiality agreements hidden behind the left nut.  There’s political gold in the situational comedy opportunities presented right there that have been squandered because of the ineptitude of Trump’s disorganization.

Ratings in the toilet.  Totally ineffective public relations and advertising strategies.

The whole idea of having critics (and potential witnesses) of the series strangled and poisoned by nerve gas has not provided the intended ratings boost to stop the Orange slide.

Cancel the dam show!!  It’s way too derivative of James Bond and Caligula, and I’m going to have to check, but I’m relatively certain the Simpsons already did it.  This is your crazy grandpa.  This is your crazy grandpa on Twitter.  This is your crazy grandpa on Twitter with the nuclear button by his bedside and the FBI about to break into a fat man’s nutsack.

Sleep well America and hope that Uncle Bobbie can wrestle the button away from the Mandarin Colored Muscovite before he blows us all to Hell and back.




Political Playtime

I figured I would take a short break from my hectic schedule of trying to rebuild my life from scratch to do a little political blogging.  We’re on the cusp of a Presidential election cycle and there’s a ton of stuff going on that needs sorting out.  So let’s get to sorting.

Sy Hersh

I believe him.  What he says makes perfect sense in context with what went down and the fact that the ‘mainstream’ media is piling on Hersh just adds more credibility to what he’s saying.  I can’t remember the last time mainstream media got anything right on issues of the Middle East since at least the New York Times Judith Miller reach-around.  It’s not like he’s saying anything that doesn’t fit exactly within the pattern of a longstanding pattern of Osama Bin Laden protectionism.  You can just see the Saudi’s tossing bundles of money at Pakistan to keep him under wraps and protected.  The only part I’m curious about at all is whether or not we knew he was there all along and Obama finally agreed to payoff whoever needed to be paid off to let us fly in there and take him out.

Invasion of Texas

The sooner the better IMHO. That said, isn’t it now patently obvious that the state which gave us George Bush is about as dedicated to supporting the military of this country as Jeb Bush is to being an honest politician?  The speed at which these numbskulls can go from flag waving patriots to secessionist blowhards is mind numbing.  Expect an “army” of mobility-assisted Medicare seniors to attempt to recreate a scene from Red Dawn in a couple of months when the US military goes to Texas for training.  You’ll want to stock up on gold and seed stock.  Argh.  Go Wolverines!

Bernie Sanders

He’s been saying the same thing for years.  Doesn’t change his position from week to week or news cycle to news cycle.  The people’s candidate.  Don’t let anyone tell you he can’t be elected.  We elected an unknown Black guy president and then re-elected him.  Bernie Sanders is a shoo-in.  I wonder if Hillary would be interested in the vice-presidency?   Go Bernie!

Black People


Black people are pissed.  If you were Black you’d be pissed too.  How about reigning in the out of control police state and prison industrial complex and give our minority citizens a break?  And don’t tell me how slavery ended hundreds of years ago or that Black folks aren’t being continuously harassed and discriminated daily.  Now they’re being accused of turning the country atheist.  If it’s true I’m glad for their support but O’Reilly is just trying to tar and feather the Black folks with everything he envisions as evil.  The country would be a helluva lot better off if Black folks actually were turning to secularism instead of wasting their time and money supporting fake ass preachers looking to buy fifty million dollar Lear Jets.

Jeb Bush

Iraq.  Does he or doesn’t he?  Only his pollster knows for sure.  What kind of mental midget with the last name of Bush is going to think he has a snowball’s chance in Hell of winning the presidency?  Only one whose last name is Bush.   FFS.  There must be a fund raising bonanza or a tax break involved for him to put himself through this much humiliation.





Loose Endings

No Longer an Okie from MuskogeeHeading West

My time in Wagoner, OK has come to a close. I packed my life back into my four suitcases and me and Bandit headed down the road in search of a better tomorrow early in the wee hours of Saturday morning. Though things didn’t work out as well as I had hoped for in Oklahoma, I’m grateful for the opportunity and thankful for the companionship my host family provided me during my time there.

Adventures in Fund RaisingToledo Scale

Friday, I finished up with my “Great Aluminum Can Adventure” by taking the cans I’d collected during my daily walks with Bandit to the local recycling center. It was a lot of fun and a bit of an adventure wandering the streets around Wagoner, snatching cans and taking photographs as we toured the area. I’d estimate we traversed a good twenty miles in the eight to ten hours we spent wandering around aimlessly. The final aluminum tally was twenty pounds collected and the payout was eight bucks (at forty cents a pound), leading to an average of a bit less than a dollar an hour payout. I wouldn’t recommend it as a career move, but I do enjoy walking with Bandit in the evenings for fun and health anyway. Getting paid for doing it is a bonus and better than paying out for a gym membership!

If you are feeling charitable you can help support me in my struggle to rebuild my life from scratch by tossing a nickel into my emergency relocation fund.

Next up? Memphis.


In the Meantime

Muskogee to Memphis

Hell's Hole, OK

While I am working on soliciting donations to continue on my path down the road of life I am not sitting idly by twiddling my thumbs and toes just because there doesn’t seem to be an employer in my local vicinity who is interested in employing me at slave wages and exploiting my superlative set of skills.  I don’t get too bummed out by that seemingly incomprehensible set of circumstances given the overall state of educational and economic depravity I’m surrounded by.  It’s just further evidence of the bad decision making skills of the people in the area.  LOL.

In the Meantime

Yes You Can

In the meantime I’m spending my time doing what any able bodied homeless vet (or bag lady) would do given the ‘opportunities’ that present themselves in the land of the free and the home of the brave.  I’m out collecting aluminum cans.  I have no idea what they are worth as I have yet to actually sell any of them but they must have some intrinsic value greater than zero or our cities wouldn’t be overwhelmed with images of homeless folks pushing shopping carts stacked to the brim with them.

Making do

I’d mow lawns if I had a lawn mower.  I’d do some other odd job if I hadn’t lost all my tools in my moves back and forth beyond the oceanic horizon. Lacking a vehicle does nothing to improve my situation one bit as I’m sure there are some jobs right outside my limited field of travel that I might be able to bag but given my experience to date I wouldn’t call that a ‘slam dunk’ either.

Sonic Tim

I’d put on a pair of roller skates and deliver your slush and corn dog order to your car at the local Sonic for that matter,  but I guess the sight of a skinny ass old guy wheeling around in their parking lot isn’t as desirable in terms of public perception as I had otherwise hoped it would be when I wandered into the place based on their “Walk In applications welcome on Tuesdays” flashing sign, only to find that “walking in” for the application required I first do their online application (WTF?) which of course I did before returning for my walk-in application the following Tuesday!   I’m nothing if not persistent and I’m trying to put to rest the tired stereotype that folks who want to work can easily find jobs because that’s as old a trope as “both parties in this country are the same, so why bother voting at all”.  Vote for Bernie Sanders, 2016.  Before it’s too late.
