Exodus Update

Changes in Attitude


Today is the day after me and Bandit were planning to head west to Colorado on a seventy day forced march from our outpost here in Oklahoma.  Among those closest to me (and who chose to make their opinions known) there was an overwhelming amount of fear and trepidation about the course of action I had planned.

I thoroughly understand their many reservations and fears because I share (and shoulder) all of them.

The only difference between them and me is that their choices in life haven’t been narrowed thru circumstance and the fickle hand of fate so close to the event horizon of disaster as mine have.

Changes in Latitude

For Fundamentalist Christians wishing this Godless heathen continued pain and suffering, I have some rather bad news:

I have been showered with blessings yet once again in what can ONLY be described as a certified miracle of secularism.

I shall refrain from boring you all with the happy details at the present time. Suffice to say that it involves an offer of employment and an abode for me and Bandit to reside. It’s not the Hollywood Hilton but it’s straight up out of a Hollywood blockbuster movie the way it is all working out for us.

The Struggle is Real


We could still use a couple dollars in the collection plate to help smooth the transition if you’re so inclined. I can ALMOST guarantee that you’ll get back multiple times the amount of any donation you make towards helping me and Bandit get a head start in the form of positive karma. After all, dog is God spelled backwards.

Outtake #1 Tim and Kim Wade WYAB FM 3-20-15

One Beautiful Day

“Our worth is not what we put on.  It’s not what we possess.  You’ll take none of them with you when you go, except the love you’ve received and given.”


A Timtwisted tale of what happens when two “creatives” cross paths for a night on the town.

181818 odometer

My Saint Patrick’s Day adventure began in the driveway before I’d even left the house when I noticed the odometer reading on my trusty Mazda Protege as seen above.

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Lost in the iCloud


I’ve been using Rita’s aging iPhone4 since she died in Germany last September with no issues whatsoever until about a month ago when the phone started incessantly giving me the following popup screen (about every five seconds):

Lost in the iCloud While it appears that Cancel is an option, I can assure you that Apple is relentless in attempting to force their iCloud service login on this device.

If my wife were alive today and had decided that she wanted to use her phone without logging into iCloud by pressing the cancel option, it wouldn’t matter because every five seconds that popup screen reappears NO MATTER what!

To top it off, I’m pretty sure my wife never even set up an iCloud account to begin with because she was so leery of online storage in general but that’s not something I can prove at this stage of the game.

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Video Adventures

Retiring the Raging Moped

I’ll be attempting to up my YouTube video production in the near future on a variety of topics.   I’ll need to lose my “Raging Moped” intro and insert something less moped-centric now that my Euro moped adventure is over.  Get it while it’s still hot!  It’ll slip back into my regular YouTube video list as soon as I do a new one to replace it.

One new topic I’ll be working up videos for is electronic smoking (vaping).  These will document my move away from cigarettes shortly upon my arrival back to US soil.  There are a lot of smokers out there who need the information I’ve acquired to make a successful transition to a safer nicotine delivery system.  I’ll also be discussing my future tiny home plans as well as my “Pikes Peak or Bust” relocation adventure.

Once I start talking there’s no telling what else I might say.

Subscribe early and often.  Cleaning out the upload backlog from Germany.  Here’s a sample.
