Sony Hack

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I don’t have any idea on who it was who hacked Sony.  In this vein I believe I am in line with nearly every other person on the planet.  To date we’ve gotten all the ‘proof’ that the North Koreans were involved with this that we did on Saddam Hussein’s ‘WMDs’.  About the only thing missing is Donald Rumsfeld going on television to tell us the exact location of the hacked server in question…”It’s located just North, South, East and West of…..”.

History of Sony Hacks

From where I sit I have a very clear memory of Sony Playstation network getting hacked so bad a few years ago it took the entire gaming system offline for weeks.  You’d think a company that had such an event would not be storing company passwords in a file named “passwords”.  FFS.  I’ve read reports that mention Sony being hacked over FIFTY TIMES in the last few years.   Google the issue if you have any questions as to the frequency or number of the hacks perpetrated against Sony.  As a final aside, when did it become the business of the US government to protect the intellectual property of Sony against their own stupidity?  Hmmm?

Other Likely Suspects

The early stories on this hack seemed to indicate that it was a disgruntled Sony hater (former employee?) responsible for this hack.  That seemed to make sense at the time, but the more I see the North Korean angle getting boosted by the (uncritical) press, the more it has me thinking that it is much more likely that the CIA is at the root of this Sony hack.  After all, they are under extreme scrutiny for their perpetration of war crimes.  They have shown the ability and propensity for hacking all manner of things, most notable the Senate computers being used by the committee investigating their criminality.  How convenient for the CIA to have a major NORTH KOREAN hack come floating to the fore!!  Attention is thereby shifted away from their illegal and immoral (unconstitutional) activities!  Look for the head of the CIA to be in Congress next week looking for increased funding to combat this new ‘menace’!  I am so not buying into this North Korea bullshit. Are you?


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